February 12, 2010

The Music Industry and Recording Input

I have lived for the feeling of music.  All the emotions that it brings out when performed and the recording input is right.

The basics, like anything you achieve in is important.  I think a lot of people get caught up in the rock star part of the music business and forget to write good songs.  Not just one, every song has to have a power to move you, take you to a place.  Make you feel what the artists were feeling.  Those types of songs are special.

That, my friends is what recording input is all about.  We have all the right tools here also.  A perfect dead live room.  We left the bottom 2 feet for some, not much bass response.  A large control room with a big window for cues.  Traina Studios is not a big studio with a million things going on.  It is one band at a time.  Complete focus on one thing.  The songs.  One at a time.  Now a specific band might come in with 20 to 30 of them.  That is alright with me.  When the studio is not booked, I am constantly recording more drum tracks.  Inventing new beats to fit with a new style I like to call Blues/ Metal.

I spent every dime I have to live a dream since child hood to own my own studio.  I just don't grow tired of good songs.  I still love the thrill of writing new ones every day.

My point today is.  I have started a lot of songs with the initial input wrong and try to fix it.  People waste so much time there.  Lay the foundation right first.  It takes good recording input to make good songs.  It takes tallent to make good ones.  It takes someone special and a great support team to make great ones.

I can't wait for the day to be a part of the great ones. Input Mastering, Input Mixing, Recording input.

Got a guitar track in your head?  A great bass lick.  I love nothing more than putting drums on it.  Hard to explain, I have worked with quite a few musicians now.  I hear it different than most.  Send it to me.  You will see.

Welcome to the newest Traina Studios Blog.  This one will not have structure.  This blog is about what I love about music.  It's about how it makes me feel.  Give me any feedback you like.  I just enjoy writing about drums, recording in the studio, playing live with TORQUE, working a single song for sometimes months until everyone is sick of me.  Finishing the next one the first time through.

Crazy things in my head are all about beatz.

Dewight Traina
Owner of Traina Studios Inc.

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